Review: Dwellings: Reconsidering ‘Home’ at Rockford Art Museum - Chicago Gallery News
Article: History of this Moment - Praxis Center for Aesthetics Blog
Article: Sculpture Milwaukee announces additional artists for 2018 installation - Urban Milwaukee
Article: Conversation - Which Wisconsin Artists Should You Be Watching? - Milwaukee Magazine
Review: McCaw, Budsberg create haunting exhibit - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Article: Shana McCaw and Brent Budsberg model the art of collaboration - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Review: Brent Budsberg and Shana McCaw Catch Moments in Time at Portrait Society - Shepherd Express
Review: A 'Museum of Rooms' tucked away in Fox Point - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Review: 'Living Rooms' at home in Kohler Arts Center - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Preview: Artists explore ideas of home in 'Living Rooms' - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Announcement: Nohl Fellowship Winners - Art Forum
Review: Art Cargo - Urban Milwaukee Dial
Article: 'Cargo Space' Comes to INOVA - Shepherd Express
Article: '30 Americans' among the best 2013 art shows in Milwaukee - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Review: The Force of History Bears Down on the Wisconsin Triennial - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Summary: On the Road: Detroit - The Art Book Review
Article: Pioneer Photos at the Portrait Society - Express Milwaukee
Article: Deep Pockets, Full Hearts Support MAM at The Art Auction - Third Coast Digest
Article: Making a Scene - Milwaukee's Avant-Garde - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Review: 'Inside/Outside' tugs at familiarity, mystery - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Review: Land, Architecture and Heritage - Shepherd Express
Review: The End as Beginning - Madison Magazine
Review: Quirky and creative, and scarcely a thing painted - Urban Milwaukee
Review: Current Tendencies and There, There - Urban Milwaukee
Announcement: New Nohl Fellowship winners strong on film - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Preview: Election becomes work of art - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Video: Meet the Artists at Saint Kate - Brent Budsberg and Shana McCaw
Video: 2019 - Shana McCaw & Brent Budsberg
Interview: Shana McCaw with PRAXIS Center for Aesthetic Studies/WYBC Yale Radio
Interview: 2 local artists prepare for Sculpture Milwaukee - FOX6 News
Interview: "On Mobilizing an Artistic Practice" with CHIPS Milwaukee